The Committee holds sessions to deliberate on issues and undertake its mandates. The Committee may hold Ordinary and Extraordinary Sessions, as it deems it necessary. Sessions of the Committee are held in Open Sessions unless it becomes necessary for the Committee to hold closed Sessions. Open Sessions are attended by wide range of participants, and closed Sessions are attended by Members of the Committee, the Secretariat, and interested party that is invited by the Committee. The Committee may also hold Joint Sessions in consultation with the African Union Commission or any of the Organs of the African Union. The Sessions of the Committee are normally held at its Headquarters. The Committee may also decide to hold its Sessions in another State Party.
Ordinary Sessions
The Committee holds biannual Ordinary Sessions. The Ordinary Sessions are held on dates set by the Committee. The date and location of the next ordinary session are determined during the preceding Ordinary Session. The dates are proposed by the Chairperson in consultation with the AU Commission Chairperson and the Bureau of the Committee
Extraordinary Sessions
Extraordinary Sessions are convened at the request of a simple majority of the Committee Members, or a State Party to the Charter, or the African Union Commission. The Chairperson of the Committee convenes an Extra-ordinary Session if the Committee decides at any of its Sessions or in Consultation with the Bureau if the Committee is not in Session.
Agenda for Sessions
Ordinary session agendas are typically developed first by the Secretary of the Committee in consultation with the Chairperson of the Committee. On its own initiative or upon request, the Committee may invite AU Organs, State Parties, UN Agencies, NHRIs recognized by the Committee, or CSOs with observer status to propose new agenda items. The Committee's Bureau has the final say on which items are to be added to the agenda. The agenda for Extraordinary Sessions may consist solely of those items proposed for the Extraordinary Session's convening.