
Statement of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child Working Group on Climate Change and Children’s Rights on the Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child's (the Committee) Working Group on Climate Change and Children's Rights (the Working Group) joins all AU Member States, Regional Economic Committees, and all concerned stakeholders across the continent to commemorate the Africa Day of Food and Nutrition Security on 30 October 2022.

Joint Statement ACERWC & ACHPR Press Statement on the occasion of the 33rd Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union

Joint Statement ACERWC_ACHPR_FrenchPress Statement on the occasion of the 33rd Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union

The African Commission and the ACERWC call on the AU Assembly to mobilize greater effort for silencing the guns based on human and peoples’ rights in Africa and to declare 2021 a year for collective action for addressing the threat of climate
crisis in Africa to human and peoples’ rights.

Outcome Statement On Day of the African Child (DAC) 2020

We, the participants of the virtual commemoration of the 2020 Day of the African Child under the theme Access to Child-Friendly Justice Systems; after thorough deliberations covering aspects such as international and regional norms and standards on access to child-friendly justice system in Africa; obligations of member states in ensuring child-friendly justice; good practices and limitations in accessing child-friendly justice systems, including limitations for vulnerable groups and role of various stakeholders including civil society organizations, children and media; have resolv

Statement of ACERWC on the situation in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/The Committee), an Organ of the African Union with a mandate to monitor the implementation of the African Children’s Charter on the continent, is deeply concerned by the ongoing conflict and its devastating impact on the rights and welfare of children in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The Committee learned that tens of thousands of children and their families are forced to leave their homes to seek safety within national and across international borders.

Joint Statement on Violence Against Children (UNSRSG-VAC)

Joint Statement of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) and the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children (UNSRSG-VAC)

Outcome Statement: Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Southern Africa Region

Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Southern Africa Region
Outcome Statement
26 November, 2020

Outcome Statement:Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Central Africa Region

Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Central Africa Region
Outcome Statement
23 November, 2020

Outcome Statement: Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in North Africa Region

Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in North Africa Region
Outcome Statement
25 November, 2020

The full text of the outcome statement is available here:

Outcome Statement: Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Eastern Africa Region

Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Eastern Africa Region Outcome Statement24 November, 2020

The full text of the outcome statement is available here:

Outcome Statement: Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Western Africa Region

Workshop on Status of Children’s Rights in Western Africa Region
Outcome Statement
27 November, 2020

The full text of the outcome statement is available here:

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